North American wildlife quizzes - animal moms

Animal Moms Quiz

#1. Which of these moms birth babies about the size of a navy bean that immediately crawl into the mother's pouch?

#2. Which animal has specialized nipples that can eject milk directly into the kits' mouths while underwater? Kits may remain with their parents for a few years, helping with tasks like maintaining the lodge, repairing dams, and raising new kits.

#3. Which mom provides no care to her hatchlings once they emerge from the eggs?

#4. Which of these mothers nurse and teach their pups hunting skills for several months, with the entire pack participating in their upbringing?

#5. Which animal has both parents participate in incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks for several months after hatching?

#6. Which marine animal nurses their young and can recognize their pups' distinct calls and scents from hundreds of others?

#7. Which mom goes swimming with her babies and their dad when they are a couple days old? They can walk, swim, and feed shortly after hatching.

#8. Which animal can adjust their breeding patterns based on environmental conditions? In areas with abundant resources, they may have larger litters, while in harsher environments, they may have smaller litters or even skip breeding seasons.



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