North American wildlife quizzes - poison ivy

Poison Ivy Quiz

#1. Select the image that is not poison ivy.

#2. Select the virginia creeper image. Virginia creeper leaves can look similar to those of poison ivy, but Virginia creeper has five leaflets rather than three. It can also cause a rash in some people.

#3. While poison ivy contains urushiol, a compound that causes allergic reactions in humans, some animals have adapted to eat it. Which one doesn't?

#4. Pick the fragrant sumac image. It has 3-parted leaves, but the terminal leaflet lacks the distinct stalk found in poison ivy, and the berries are reddish and fuzzy.

#5. Box elder can look like a poison ivy vine reaching out from a tree. Can you pick the box elder image?

#6. Poison ivy typically has three leaflets per leaf, although the leaflets can vary in shape and size. They are often pointed or lobed. Poison oak usually has three leaflets but can have up to seven leaflets arranged in clusters. The edges of poison oak leaves are often more lobed and rounded compared to poison ivy. Can you pick the poison oak image?



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